Saturday, December 12, 2009

she gathers dreams

she is lost in her own thoughts as she drives "home" to visit her family. a hot cup of coffee and the soft voice of james taylor are her faithful companions. views of city buildings and busy retail stores are slowly replaced by tumbled down barns, grazing cows and the occasional all-service truck stop. the first rays of early morning light push her along as she journeys west, back to her roots, where her heart truly lives.

she imagines how nice it would be to have a new puppy on these trips. the new little friend would sit in the seat next to her, a warm little ball of fur, full of energy and unconditional love. her name would be willa or maybe zoe. luna is on the possibility list as well. thoughts of presley flood her eyes with tears. when will the longing to have just one more day with him end? a new puppy would help with that, she knows.

she slows as she passes a small old farmhouse next to a pond. a slideshow starts in her head, images of the life she'd like to live there. barefoot in old dungarees, she gathers fresh eggs in her apron. in fading evening light, she plucks a succulent tomato from her garden vine. nikon in hand, she captures early morning dew on the field grasses. snuggled warmly before the fire, she lovingly reads to her grandchildren. with overwhelming love in her heart, she serves the weekly sunday dinner to her extended family. she envisions the thankful look in her hubbie's eyes; it is the look that says "i'm so glad i trusted you and bought into this dream of yours, this dream to live a simpler life."

as she enters her hometown and turns onto her daughter's street, the slide show continues . . . walking up the library steps with a grandchild's small hand in each of hers . . . long walks with her daughter in the waning evening light . . . fishing the pond with her son on lazy saturday mornings. she gathers her dreams around her and promises herself to make them come true one day soon.

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